In my experience parenting is one of the hardest things to do. Young children grow and develop so very fast.
I remember thinking when my son was young, the moment I get used to the stage it changes and I needed to readjust all over again.
Many people don’t know what “normal” development looks like and how to foster your child’s development.
This website is intended to provide an overview of activities that children should be doing at different ages. All children develop at different paces so these are guidelines.
However, if you have a concern or someone has brought a concern to you about your child’s development it doesn’t hurt to act early.
You will find the systems available to access services for children but those services take time. This website is meant to provide caring individual’s evidence based techniques that can be used today to help children advance in development.
I hope it is helpful and hopeful to you as you continue to move through this wild ride of parenting.
Nancy Cronin
Executive Director
Maine Developmental Disabilities Council
State of Maine Act Early Ambassador